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Sign Reads "Wanted: Good Woman Must Be Able To Clean, Cook, Sew,  Dig Worms, and Clean Fish.  Must Have Boat and Motor. Please Send Picture of Boat and Motor.


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Bill the Master Tech


If your Mfgr. says:

That motor's 7 years old!!
Part is no longer available.
We lose $$ on service!
EPA made me do it!
Part's at central warehouse, you'll get it next month.
We don't make parts for those.
We only do warranty work.
Our techs only fix late models.
No clue what's wrong! So we'll work time & material.


the Mastertech!




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1922 - 1969

To sort chart by column (Year, Model, etc) click on the desired column heading.
You may ignore any letters before the horsepower designation, and those after any of the following model numbers that match yours (e.g. your 20 HP model #  J20R69M  would match 20R69 in the chart, ignoring the "J" and "M")

A 2 1922-24
BN 2 1922-24
A-25 2 1925-26
AB-25 2 1925-26
J-25 1.5 1925-32
P-30 6 1926
K-35 6 1927
P-35 8 1927
A-35 2.5 1927-28
K-40 7.15 1928
KR-4n RACE 1928
P-40 13.15 1928
PR-40 16.5 1928
TR-40 25.75 1928-29
A-45 3 1929
K-45 7.15 1929
P-45 12 1929
SR-45 16 1929
VR-45 32 1929
S-45 13 1929-32
V-45 26 1929-32
PR-50 24 1930
SR-50 16 1930
VR-50 32 1930
A-50 4 1930-32
K-50 8 1930-32
P-50 20 1930-32
PA-50 20 1930-32
PE-50 20 1930-32
SA-50 13.3 1930-32
SE-50 13.3 1930-32
VA-50 26.1 1930-32
VE-50 26.1 1930-32
OA-55 3 1931
OK-55 8 1931
PR-55 27 1931
SR-55 18 1931
VR-55 36 1931
XR-55 RACING 1931
KR-55 RACE 1931-37
OA-60 3 1932
OK-60 7 1932
PR-60 27 1932
SR-60 RACING 1932
A-65 4.1 1933
J-65 1.4 1933
K-65 9.2 1933
OA-65 2.8 1933
OB-65 2.8 1933
P-65 21.4 1933
PR-65 27 1933
S-65 13.3 1933
V-65 26.1 1933
A-70 4.1 1934
F-70 3.3 1934
J-70 1.4 1934
K-70 9.2 1934
OB-70 2.8 1934
P-70 21.4 1934
S-70 13.3 1934
V-70 26.1 1934
300 3.7 1935
A-75 4.5 1935
F-75 3.3 1935
J-75 1.4 1935
K-75 9.3 1935
OK-75 8.1 1935
P-75 22 1935
100 1.7 1936
200 3.3 1936
A-80 4.5 1936
J-80 1.7 1936
K-80 9.3 1936
P-80 22 1936
110 1.7 1937
210 3.3 1937
AA-37 4.5 1937
DS-37 2.1 1937
DT-37 4.2 1937
KA-37 9.3 1937
LS-37 2.1 1937
LT-37 4.2 1937
PO-37 22 1937
DS-38 2.1 1938
DT-38 4.2 1938
KA-38 9.3 1938
KR-38 RACE 1938
LS-38 2.1 1938
LT-38 4.2 1938
MD-38 1.1 1938
MS-38 1.1 1938
PO-38 22 1938
SR-38 RACING 1938
AT-39 5 1939
DT-39 5 1939
HA-39 2.5 1939
HD-39 2.5 1939
KA-39 9.8 1939
LT-39 5 1939
MD-39 1.1 1939
MS-39 1.1 1939
PO-39 22 1939
DT-10 5 1940
HA-10 2.5 1940
HA-15 2.5 1940
HD-10 2.5 1940
HS-10 2.5 1940
HS-15 2.5 1940
KA-10 9.8 1940
LT-10 5 1940
MD-15 1.5 1940
MS-15 1.5 1940
PO-10 22 1940
AT-10 5 1940
HD-15 2.5 1940
SD-10 16 1940-42
HD-20 2.5 1941-42
KS-15 9.8 1941-42
MD-20 1.5 1941-42
MS-20 1.5 1941-42
TD-15 5 1941-42
TS-15 5 1941-42
KD-15 9.8 1941-48
HS-20 2.5 1941-49
PO-15 22 1941-50
TS-20 5 1946
SD-15 16 1946-48
TD-20 5 1946-49
HD-25 2.5 1946-50
SD-20 16 1949-50
QD-11 10 1949-50
QD-10 10 1949-50
TN-27 5 1950-51
TN-26 5 1950-51
TN-25 5 1950-51
RD-11 25 1951
RD-10 25 1951
HD-26 2.5 1951
QD-12 10 1951-52
QD-13 10 1951-52
RD-13 25 1952
RD-12 25 1952
TN-28 5 1952-53
JW-10 3 1952-54
QD-14 10 1953
RD-14 25 1953
RD-15 25 1953-54
CD-11 5.5 1954
QD-15 10 1954
RD-16 25 1954
RDE-16 25 1954
CD-10 5.5 1954
JW-11 3 1955
QD-16 10 1955
RD-17 25 1955
RDE-17 25 1955
CD-12 5.5 1955
CD-13 5.5 1956
E-10 15 1956
FD-10 15 1956
JW-12 3 1956
QD-17 10 1956
RD-18 30 1956
RDE-18 30 1956
RJE-18 30 1956
AD-10 7.5 1956
CD-14 5.5 1957
E-11 18 1957
FD-11 18 1957
JW-13 3 1957
QD-18 10 1957
RD-19 35 1957
RDE-19 35 1957
RJE-19 35 1957
AD-11 7.5 1957
CD-15 5.5 1958
E-12 18 1958
FD-12 18 1958
JW-14 3 1958
QD-19 10 1958
RD-19C 35 1958
RD-20 35 1958
RDE-19C 35 1958
RDS-20 35 1958
V4-10 50 1958
V4S-10 50 1958
AD-12 7.5 1958
FD-13 18 1959
JW-15 3 1959
QD-20 10 1959
RD-21 35 1959
RDS-21 35 1959
V4-11 50 1959
V4S-11 50 1959
CD-16 5.5 1959
FD-14 18 1960
JW-16 3 1960
QD-21 10 1960
RD-22 40 1960
RDS-22 40 1960
V4S-12 75 1960
CD-17 5.5 1960
CD-18 5.5 1961
FD-15 18 1961
QD-22 10 1961
RD-23 40 1961
RDS-23 40 1961
V4A-13 75 1961
V4S-13 75 1961
3B10 3 1961
JW-17 3 1961-62
V4S-14 75 1962
3B11 3 1962
CD-19 5.5 1962
FD-16 18 1962
QD-23 10 1962
RD-24 40 1962
RDS-24 40 1962
RK-24 40 1962
RX-10 28 1962
V4A-15 75 1962-63
V4A-14 75 1962-63
3B12 3 1963
CD-20 5.5 1963
FD-17 18 1963
JW-18 3 1963
QD-24 10 1963
RD-25 40 1963
RDS-25 40 1963
RK-25 40 1963
RX-11 28 1963
RXE-11 28 1963
V4S-15 75 1963
CD-21 5.5 1964
FD-18 18 1964
JH-19 3 1964
JW-19 3 1964
MQ-10 9.5 1964
RD-26 40 1964
RDS-26 40 1964
RK-26 40 1964
RX-12 28 1964
RXE-12 28 1964
V4A-16 75 1964
V4H-16 75 1964
V4M-10 90 1964
V4S-16 75 1964
VX-10 60 1964
VXH-10 60 1964
CD-22 6 1965
FD-19 18 1965
JH-20 3 1965
JW-20 3 1965
LD-10 5 1965
MQ-11 9.5 1965
RD-27 40 1965
RDS-27 40 1965
RK-27 40 1965
RX-13 33 1965
RXE-13 33 1965
V4A-17 75 1965
V4H-17 75 1965
V4M-11 90 1965
V4S-17 75 1965
VX-11 60 1965
VXH-11 60 1965
WH-11 15 1965
WS-10 60 1965
CD-23 6 1966
FD-20 20 1966
JH-21 3 1966
JW-21 3 1966
LD-11 5 1966
MQ-12 9.5 1966
RD-28 40 1966
RDS-28 40 1966
RK-28 40 1966
RX-14 33 1966
RXE-14 33 1966
V4A-18 80 1966
V4H-18 75 1966
V4ML-12 100 1966
V4S-18 80 1966
VX-12 60 1966
VXH-12 60 1966
WH-12 15 1966
WS-11 60 1966
CD-24 6 1967
FD-21 20 1967
JH-22 3 1967
JHF-21 3 1967
JHF-22 3 1967
JW-22 3 1967
JWF-22 3 1967
LD-12 5 1967
MQ-13 9.5 1967
RD-29 40 1967
RDS-29 40 1967
RK-29 40 1967
RX-15 33 1967
RXE-15 33 1967
V4A-19 80 1967
V4S-19 80 1967
V4T-13 100 1967
V4TL-13 100 1967
VX-13 60 1967
VXH-13 60 1967
WH-13 15 1967
WS-12 60 1967
CD-25 6 1968
FD-22 20 1968
JH-23 3 1968
JHF-23 3 1968
JW-23 3 1968
JWF-23 3 1968
LD-13 5 1968
MQ-14 9.5 1968
RD-30 40 1968
RDS-30 40 1968
RK-30 40 1968
RX-16 33 1968
RXE-16 33 1968
SC-10 1.5 1968
TR-10 55 1968
V4A-20 85 1968
V4S-20 85 1968
V4T-14 100 1968
V4TL-14 100 1968
VX-14 65 1968
VXH-14 65 1968
WH-14 15 1968
WS-13 60 1968
115ESL69 115 1969
1R69 1.5 1969
20R69-20RL69 20 1969
25R69-25RL69 25 1969
33E69-33EL69 33 1969
33R69-33RL69 33 1969
40E69-40EL69 40 1969
40ES69-40ESL69 40 1969
40R69-40RL69 40 1969
4B69 4 1969
4R69-4RL69 4 1969
4W69 4 1969
55ES69-55ESL69 55 1969
6R69-6RL69 6 1969
85ESL69 85 1969
9R69-9RL69 9.5 1969

Please review our Warranty, Returns & Refunds policies before you place an order.


The information provided on these pages is correct to the best of my knowledge, however the MasterTech makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the use of, results of, or liability created from, application of this data. This information is disseminated in good faith, however MasterTech assumes NO LIABILITY whatsoever in regard to this service. The information, software, products, and services published on this web site may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. Mastertech may make improvements to this site at any time. Parts ordered from this website may or may not be in dealer stock at the time of order. Thank you for reading.