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Here we are at Scootenay reservoir in Eastern Washington to try out all
the old classic racing equipment.
Everybody's excited about getting the
equipment debugged for the races at Newburg Oregon on Memorial day!
objective here is to restore the old "B" runabout class as "Classic B".
Charlie Williams worked all winter to build 10 (yes, 10) 20H Mercs as
close to original as remaining parts will allow. Here's 4 of them.
Here's Ben Vanderkooi's new "classic B" runabout setup. He built this boat,
its really nice.
Test time. Charlie has an old Hal Kelly Airborne, and Ben V built him
another as trade for a 20H.
2 "C" service speedtwins; the motor in the foreground is Bob Thornhills,
the back one is Dave Losvars. Dave has promised to get some paint on that
This is John Lairds amazing Hubbell "C" racing engine. These were built
by Randolph Hubbell in California from some Johnson and the rest custom
built parts. These motors, designed in the 30's are still formidable against
modern race motors.
malfunction on the Hubbell. The butterfly shaft broke in the carburetor.
Soon rectified and back out for some break-in time.
Charlie shows some concern for a 20H being tested. Some debugging to do - -
AWAAAY WE GO! The gang had a great day at the lake. If you are looking
to get back on the water with some old hardware, contact me for the info.
Otherwise, just enjoy the photos here. Aloha - - BILL