Communications of the era were pretty basic compared to todays sophisticated systems. There sure wasn't any web then. The radioman had this crude black box to twiddle knobs on and hopefully talk to base and the other planes of the squadron |

2 waist gun positions are just aft of the radioman's area. Imagine trying to
call while those brownings are in action. Manual aiming and targeting. No lasers
here. Just sudden death. |

is the best way to show the tail gunners position, he had to crawl into it.
It wouldn't be a whole lot of fun going backwards all day and having enemy fighters
diving at you. |

you can see, we made it back from our mission, a lot of other guys didn't. They
gave their lives so we can enjoy ours. Kinda' makes you stop and think, doesnt'
it? Thanks, guys. |
This is the second page of the tour. Having fun? Remember the use and meaning of this plane while you enjoy, and be thankful.